“Lob der Peripherie” / Review by Inga Dreyer
Alexander Gronsky at KVOST
“Lob der Peripherie” / Review by Inga Dreyer
Alexander Gronsky at KVOST
“The City and the City” / Review by Thomas W. Kuhn
Vlad Nancă im KVOST
“Verdoppelte Weltzeituhr” / Review by Inga Dreyer
Vlad Nancă im KVOST
“Doppelgänger einer geteilten Stadt” / Review & Interview by Beate Scheder
Vlad Nancă at KVOST
At FREIRAUM in der Box / 26.10.2019 at 7 pm
Dr. Steffen Mau (Writer and Prof. of Sociology at the HU, Berlin), Philipp Meuser (Architect and publisher / DOM publishers) and Eckehard Krüger (Construction Manager, Cottbus and Berlin)
Moderation: Christine Thalmann (Head of Culture Department, rbb Fernsehen)
In cooperation with Suhrkamp Verlag and KVOST – Kunstverein Ost
“Wo Disneyworld und Weltzeituhr zusammenkommen”
Vlad Nancă at KVOST – Kunstverein Ost
Review by Monopol
“Der Palast der Republik ist auferstanden aus Ruinen” / Review by Dirk Krampitz
Palast der Republik Satellit at KVOST
“Erichs Lampenladen”/ Review by Ingeborg Ruthe
Palast der Republik Satellit at KVOST
Kunstverein Ost is pleased to announce Romanian artist VLAD NANCA as the recipient of the KVOST Stipend 2019. Vlad Nanca was chosen from a total of 87 applications.
The stipend includes an artist-in-residence program as well as a solo exhibition in KVOST’s premises during this year’s art week.
The jury consisted of the artist Alicja Kwade, the artist collective Slavs and Tatars, the curating team Nathalie Hoyos and Rainald Schumacher and the founding directors of KVOST, Julia Rust, director of the me Collectors Room Berlin and the curator Stephan Koal.