The Kunstverein Ost is announcing this year’s KVOST Stipendium, which is awarded in combination with the Claus Michaletz Preis since 2022. The 10,000 Euros prize is established in memory of the publisher and founder of the Secco Pontanova Foundation, Claus Michaletz. The full amount of the prize money goes to the scholarship holders. Together with the KVOST scholarship, which includes an artist in residency in Berlin with a subsequent solo exhibition at KVOST, the awarding of the Claus Michaletz Preis enables further, sustainable support for the artists.

The application documents are now available: KVOST Stipendium
Application deadline is April 17, 2025.

The scholarship is aimed at artists whose biographical roots lie in Central and Eastern Europe / the former Eastern Bloc.

With the grant, KVOST invites artists to trace the complex network of meanings of Leipziger Strasse / Dönhoffplatz and its surroundings or delve into other geographical and biographical aspects of the East. The works created in this process will be presented in a solo exhibition starting with Berlin Art Week in September 2025.

Previous scholarship holders were the Romanian artist Vlad Nancă in 2019, the Portuguese artist Cristina Ferreira-Szwarc in 2020, the Ukrainian artist Olena Pronkina in 2022, in 2023 the Romanian artist Larisa Sitar and in 2024 the Polish artist Magdalena Ciemierkiewicz.


TALK : 04.12.2024 at 7pm . Kunst im Stadtraum . Zu Gast bei KVOST

With Luise Rellensmann, Professor of Building in Existing Contexts, Monument Preservation and Building Survey at HU München and Martin Maleschka, architect and author.

Deleted. Marginalized. Forgotten. Unloved buildings of the Eastern modernist era are hotly disputed. They are said to be disfunctional, unaesthetic and run-down. However, it is not only gray matter that disappears, but also building culture, perspectives and societal ideas. The expert panel will therefore sharpen the focus on East German architecture and art. The associated heritage will be given a new appreciation, which is urgently needed to preserve it.

In cooperation with KISR – Kunst im Stadtraum.

TALK : 04.12.2024 at 7pm . Kunst im Stadtraum . Zu Gast bei KVOST

Wedding Party . Pcholka & Hramovich 

with a performance and music by DJ Dosaaf (Gleb Kovalski)

07.12.2024 . 6 – 9 pm

An event organised by artists and couple in private life Lesia Pcholka and Uladzimir Hramovich. Political refugees from Belarus, they were forced to leave their homeland after taking part in protests calling for democratic elections.

In every country they have lived in since 2020, they have tried to legalise their relationship, but have failed for various reasons. The bridal bouquets in their installation By Law exhibited at KVOST, with flowers in the shape of the borders of each country, represent the places where the couple have found temporary homes, whose stability has often been shaken.

During the event, Pcholka and Hramovich will take us on a journey to the places where they built temporary family structures against the precariousness of migratory life, accompanied by music, drinks and a wedding performance. In their work, the legalisation of the relationship, the dream of marriage, becomes an unattainable symbol of stability; a middle-class serenity that is definitely lacking in life in exile.

For the event, the artists will take on the role of marriage registrars and invite everyone to take part in a symbolic “marriage registration”.

Dress code
Get in the wedding spirit! Come in bridal or formal attire – whether it’s a wedding dress, a suit or simply something fancy.

Wedding Party . Pcholka & Hramovich 

Save the Date . Performance & Discussion

 23.11.2024 . from 6 pm

A themed evening in cooperation with Deutsch-Polnisches Haus.

6 pm . Performance by Tubi Malcharzik
As part of the exhibition Tubi Malcharzik shows excerpts of the performance PASKUDNIK, which takes a queer view on their German-­Polish, Silesian family history. Based on myths of the beauty of Polish women, high cheekbones, red velvet dresses, the performance touches on themes of gender roles, sexuality, non-binary attributions of Silesia as a borderland as well as on anti-Slavism. Immersive soundscapes, narrative fragments and imagination open a queer and post-migrant space of memory.

Artistic collaboration & support: Dila Kaplan, Marty Flegel / Music & sound: Luyu Zou, (mohammad) adika Rahman


Blurring Binaries. Silesian migrant condition, fluid identity and the politics of shame
6:30 pm . Discussion with Tubi Malcharzik (they/them / performer and dramaturge), Julia Nitschke (performer and author) and Alina Strzempa (Slavic linguist and cultural scientist), moderated by Paweł Świerczek (dramaturg, performer, producer and (neuro)queer activist).

 Migration stories from Upper Silesia have their own flavour. Historically living in the borderlands between Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic and Austria, the Silesians have often been forced to claim their identity. And in each country they have always remained the other. How does this fluid national condition affect the experience of migration? What if we add other intersecting identities (such as gender identity, class, disability)? What does shame have to do with all this?

In this conversation, we will look at both historical stories of migration (starting with the miners who travelled to the Ruhr for work in the 19th century) and the echoes that the past leaves in the lives of second or third generation of migrant families.

Save the Date . Performance & Discussion

ARTIST TALK : Magdalena Ciemierkiewicz & Kandis Friesen

Moderated by An Paenhuysen
14.09.2024 . 2 pm

KVOST, in collaboration with KISR Leipziger Straße, invites you to an artist talk between Magdalena Ciemierkiewicz and Kandis Friesen. The reason for the discussion is the exhibition RAPESEED by Ciemierkiewicz and the work Diadéo trésor by Kandis Friesen, which she is realising in public space in the immediate vicinity of KVOST as part of KISR Leipziger Straße. Both artists are interested in the borderlands and the intersection of collective and individual history as well as (diasporic) languages. Their common interests will be explored in conversation and illuminated by the moderation of curator, art critic and lecturer An Paenhuysen.


ARTIST TALK : Magdalena Ciemierkiewicz & Kandis Friesen

KVOST Stipendium & Claus Michaletz Preis

Award Ceremony Claus Michaletz Preis 2024
11 September 2024 at 6 pm

Welcome . Stephan Koal . Director KVOST / Introduction . Diana Weis . Cultural scientist / Words of Greeting . Sarah Wedl-Wilson . State Secretary for Culture in Berlin / Award Ceremony  . Silke Manske . Chairwoman of the Board Secco-Pantanova Stiftung

KVOST Stipendium & Claus Michaletz Preis


We are happy to be part of Berlin Art Week!

11 SEP – 15 SEP 2024

Featured Selection
Claus Michaletz Preis & KVOST Stipendium